OpenTable Reviews WordPress Widget
Updated 3 weeks ago
Display OpenTable reviews directly on your WordPress website. Enhance user trust and engagement with beautiful widgets featuring star ratings, reviews, and call-to-action buttons.
v. 12.4.5
WordPress ≥ 3.0.1
PHP ≥ 5.2
Free / Paid
Showcase Your Customer Satisfaction with OpenTable Reviews
Attract new diners and build trust with the power of social proof. The WordPress Widgets for OpenTable Reviews plugin seamlessly integrates your OpenTable restaurant reviews directly into your WordPress website. Display your positive feedback prominently, providing potential customers with valuable insights into the dining experience you offer.
Key Features:
- Streamlined Integration: Connect your OpenTable account with your WordPress site, easily importing your latest reviews.
- Customizable Widgets: Choose from various widget styles to match your website's design, showcasing reviews in a visually appealing manner.
- Responsive Design: Ensure your reviews look great on all devices, providing an optimal user experience for desktop, tablet, and mobile visitors.
- Enhanced User Engagement: Drive traffic to your OpenTable page by allowing visitors to easily access your full review profile.
- SEO Optimization: Leverage the power of customer reviews to improve your website's search engine ranking, attracting more potential diners.
- Build Credibility: Displaying positive OpenTable reviews instills confidence in your potential customers, encouraging them to choose your establishment.
- Increase Conversions: Drive more bookings and reservations by showcasing the positive experiences of your previous guests.
- Save Time and Effort: Eliminate the need to manually update your website with reviews, automating the process for effortless maintenance.
- Improve Online Visibility: Enhance your website's content with valuable user-generated content, attracting more visitors through organic search results.
Start showcasing your OpenTable reviews today and see the positive impact on your restaurant's online presence and customer engagement.